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Mole and Cyst Removal

- Free, no-obligation consultation
- GMC-registered surgeons
- Care Quality Commission registered
- Comprehensive aftercare

What is mole or cyst removal?


What are the benefits of mole or cyst removal?


Are there any risks?


Is it right for me?


What is mole or cyst removal?

While moles, cysts, lesions and skin tags are common skin conditions, they can be irritating and uncomfortable. They can be effectively removed from the face and body, thanks to the latest techniques, to restore the appearance and comfort of your skin. 

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You may consider this treatment as an option to feeing more confident if you are concerned or even embarrassed about a mole, cyst, lesion, skin tag, or wart removal. Almost all common lesions are benign, but if you have a mole, cyst, skin tag or lesion that we suspect may not be, we will refer you to your doctor instead of removing it. 

What are the benefits of mole or cyst removal?

Having the cysts and/or moles removed from your face, neck or chest may lead to you feeling happier with your appearance if they are something you have felt self-conscious about for a while. You might find skin tags and cysts feel more obvious when wearing tight fitting clothing, or are uncomfortable and you worry that they’ll rupture when you are out in public. Having them removed will help give you additional peace of mind. 

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The procedure only takes around 15-30 minutes, depending on how many moles or cysts need removing, and the treatment is virtually pain-free because of the use of either a local or topical anaesthetic.  

Are there any risks?

It is important to weigh up the risks involved against the benefits that the treatment can bring – just as with all types of medical aesthetic treatment. 

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Your medical aesthetic practitioner will talk you through any risks and complications, although possible side effects are usually minimal. They occasionally include infection or bleeding. 

Is it right for me?

Moles and cysts are fairly common. While they are usually harmless, you could find that you feel happier about your appearance by having clearer skin . You might have noticed that your mole or cyst has changed in its shape and size, or it may be causing you discomfort and you have decided it is time to have it removed. It may also be bothering you if it is positioned in a prominent place or is particularly large.   

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Our surgeon assistants can talk you through the removal procedure at your free consultation so that you can decide if it is right for you.  


We understand that every patient’s requirements are different, and so treatment will be tailored specifically to you. As a responsible provider of medical aesthetics, we place a great deal of importance on our free, no-obligation consultations.

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Your practitioner will provide a detailed pricing overview for your treatment following your consultation process.

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Mole and Cyst Removal FAQs

More FAQs
How much does mole or cyst removal cost?

The cost of your mole or cyst removal treatment will depend on the number of growths that need removed. One of our surgeon assistants will give you a detailed breakdown of the cost involved.

How long does mole/cyst removal take?
The procedure can take around 30 minutes, depending on the number of moles and/or cysts which are being removed. A topical anaesthetic will be applied 5-10 minutes prior to treatment.
Is the treatment painful?
You will not feel any pain during the treatment because of the topical anaesthetic which will be applied to the area. It may feel slightly sore afterwards when this has worn off, but any mild pain after the procedure can be treated with over the counter painkillers.
Will mole or cyst removal leave a scar?
While scarring is minimal from the techniques used in the procedure, you may have a small, faint scar that will fade in time.
Are there any after effects or side effects?
While it is very rare to experience side effects with mole and cyst removal, there is a risk of infection, bleeding and scarring. Our highly experienced clinicians will talk you through the risks involved before you decide whether you wish to go ahead with the procedure.
Which skin conditions do you treat?
We offer treatment for: Moles brown or black growths on the skin. Cysts sacs filled with fluid or semi-fluid material. Skin tags small protruding pieces of skin that can grow in the groin area, armpits, neck and eyelids. Skin lesions surface growths or patches of the skin that don't resemble the skin around it. Lentigines small dark spots on the skin that can be a genetic condition caused by excessive radiation or sun exposure.
Who will perform the skin tag, cyst or mole removal procedure?
This procedure is commonly performed by our resident dermatologist who will remove the mole, cyst, skin tag or lesion and send it for analysis to ensure there are no abnormal cells. Our experienced doctors will then complete the cyst or mole removal procedure by inserting small stitches.
Is any cyst or mole removal aftercare required?
You’ll be able to leave the clinic as soon as your treatment has been completed, and you should be fine to go about your normal day-to-day activities. You’ll need to keep the wound dry for two days and you’ll be advised to return to the clinic to have your stitches removed 7-10 days post-treatment. During your consultation, your patient advisor will be able to speak with you in detail about mole, ganglion or sebaceous cyst removal aftercare and what you should or shouldn’t do following the procedure. With all cyst and cosmetic mole removals, aftercare is of the utmost importance to us and you’ll be able to contact our 24/7 helpline if you have any questions or concerns.
Can you remove moles?
Yes, we offer a wide range of treatments for different skin conditions, including moles. Our professional team know exactly how to remove moles safely and effectively through surgical excision. We have a huge amount of experience in performing private mole removals in our CQC-registered clinics across the UK. We can also help with cysts, skin lesions (surface growths or patches of the skin that don’t resemble the skin around it), as well as lentigines (small dark spots on the skin that can be a genetic condition caused by excessive radiation or sun exposure). If you’re interested in any of these treatments, don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.
Can you remove a cyst?
Absolutely. Our team of experts can remove a cyst safely by surgical excision. Skin cysts are usually round in shape and can vary in size from a few mm to several cm in width. There are various types of cyst, including epidermoid, pilar and sebaceous cysts and they can appear in many different areas on the body. Here at Transform, we can offer a range of treatments including sebaceous cyst removal, ingrown hair cyst removal, and ganglion cyst removal in our 22 specialist clinics across the UK. Our professional practitioners will examine your cyst before proceeding with removal and will refer you to your GP if they think you need any other form of treatment. Get in touch with our friendly team for more information about private cyst removal surgery.
Can you remove skin tags?
Yes, our practitioners can remove skin tags from areas such as the groin, armpits, neck and eyelids. Skin tags are small protruding pieces of skin that are typically smooth and similar in colour to the rest of your skin. They can vary in size, from small growths of several mm to large growths several cm wide. While they are common, painless and not dangerous, you may benefit from private skin tag removal surgery if you feel concerned or uncomfortable with the growths. We offer skin tag removal across our UK clinics, all of which are registered with the Care Quality Commission and provide the highest standards of care. Get in touch with us today and we can chat about how to remove your skin tags with no obligation whatsoever.
How do you remove a cyst, skin tag or mole?

When you book your treatment with Electiva, you can be sure that our team of qualified professionals know exactly how to remove skin tags, moles and cysts safely and efficiently. Before commencing any treatment, your consultant will examine the area carefully to ensure removal will be right for you. We do not offer laser mole removal – instead, your mole, cyst or skin tag removal will take place by surgical excision at one of our UK clinics. Firstly, a local anaesthetic will be applied to the area 5-10 minutes before the procedure begins. Then, the surgeon will carefully cut around the mole, cyst or skin tag with a scalpel to remove it. Once the removal is complete, the wound will be closed with stitches and a dressing applied to cover the area.

Next steps

Your journey step by step

Your consultation

Your journey with Electiva begins with a consultation with our friendly medical aesthetic practitioners, this may be an Aesthetician, Nurse Practitioner or Doctor. During this conversation you can talk through why you’re interested in this treatment, how much it costs, whether you’re suitable for treatment, if you’ll need a one off treatment, or a full course, as well as potential treatment dates.

You can ask our medical aesthetic practitioners any questions as they are extremely knowledgeable and have undertaken extensive training. If you feel ready to proceed, we can carry out a laser patch test (where applicable) and book your first treatment for a date and time that suits you.

The treatment

You can ask your medical aesthetic practitioner any final questions on the day of the treatment. All pre- and post-treatment advice will be discussed prior to the day itself, so you will know exactly what to expect during your treatment, including how long it will take, and how it will feel.


For most medical aesthetic treatments, you will be able to leave the clinic as soon as your treatment has been completed, and you should be able to go about your normal day-to-day activities. If you experience any mild discomfort, redness or swelling, this will subside within the following days. Any specific aftercare requirements will be discussed at your consultation.


We are here to support you throughout your medical aesthetics journey, we believe that the highest quality aftercare is just as important as the treatment itself. If you have any questions or concerns at all, you can contact us at any time.

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